General enquiries
The department's main switchboard can transfer your call to a specific business unit or area:
Tel: 03 8684 0000
Tel: 1300 365 111 (for regional callers)
Use the National Relay Service
If you are d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication difficulty please contact us by your preferred NRS call channel (External link). Give the NRS our phone number: 1300 365 111 (External link).
Postal address
Department of Justice and Community Safety
GPO Box 4356
Melbourne VIC 3001
Contact by email
To make contact via email, please find the relevant business area or agency below
Media enquiries
For media enquiries and media releases, call 1300 481 978 (External link).
Careers enquiries
For various career opportunities with the department, please see our Careers page
Accounts payable
To ensure timely processing, suppliers are required to prepare and submit invoices following our requirements for invoicing the department
Justice service locations
There are many ways in which Justice service centres and regional offices across Victoria can help you. The centres are one-stop shops for the local delivery of a range of services.
View all Justice service locations
Justices of the Peace
Find a Document signing station or an individual JP available by appointment.