Liquor and gambling policy
The Liquor and Gambling Policy Branch is responsible for:
- developing the overall liquor and gambling policy framework, preparing policy options and implementing policy decisions of the government
- developing liquor and gambling legislation, regulation and other sub-legislative instruments
- supporting and facilitating stakeholder engagement and providing advice to the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation on liquor issues; and
- supporting intergovernmental collaboration on online gambling matters through representation on the Senior Officials Working Group on Gambling Harm.
For information about liquor licensing, visit the Liquor Control Victoria website (External link).
For more information on licensing, compliance, education, research and responsible gambling, refer to the Gambling section of our website.
For more information about gaming machines in Victoria, see Accessibility of gaming machines.
The role of statutory agencies and positions
The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) (External link) is an independent statutory authority established under the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission Act 2011. The VGCCC is responsible for regulating all forms of legalised gambling activities in Victoria. The VGCCC is responsible for regulating gaming machines, wagering, keno, interactive gaming, community and charitable gaming, bookmakers, public lotteries, trade promotion lotteries, and gambling at the Melbourne casino.
The Victorian Liquor Commission (External link) delivers licensing, investigative, disciplinary and other regulatory functions under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 and regulations relating to the supply and consumption of liquor in Victoria. From 1 July 2022, the Victorian Liquor Commission (the Commission) is responsible for the regulation of liquor. The Commission is supported in its functions by staff from the Department of Justice and Community Safety.