Hare, S and Robinson, N (2023)
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation - May 2024


This study investigates the experiences of venue-based users of electronic gaming machines (EGMs) during COVID-19 lockdowns in Victoria, Australia, and their return to EGM venues in the 12 months following the lifting of restrictions.

Using data from qualitative interviews and quantitative online panel surveys, the study examines the effects of EGM venue closures on Victorians aged 18 years and older who used EGMs at a club, pub or casino in the 12 months prior to the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (March 2020).

In particular, the study identifies the non-gambling activities they undertook during the lockdown periods in 2020 and 2021, as well as any alternative gambling activities in which they participated. It also considers the psychological and financial effects of COVID, perceptions of the experiences of EGM venue closures, gambling urges and coping mechanisms, and how these experiences influenced participants’ return to venue-based gambling.

Key findings

The main non-gambling alternative activities undertaken by study participants during COVID-19 lockdowns were:

  • using the internet for leisure (92.2 per cent)
  • watching TV, movies and videos (91.8 per cent)
  • chores or work around the home (83.9 per cent)
  • socialising with family and friends (79.6 per cent)
  • hobbies or leisure activities (72.8 per cent).

The highest rates of participation in alternative gambling activities were:

  • lottery tickets from a shop or online (72.6 per cent)
  • online betting on horse, harness or greyhound racing (56.8 per cent)
  • scratch tickets from a shop or online (53.4 per cent)
  • online betting on sports (46.6 per cent).

Financial and health effects included:

  • debt stress (38.4 per cent)
  • financial distress (42.1 per cent)
  • spending of financial stimulus on gambling (46.4 per cent).

Those who returned to EGM venues:

  • 68 per cent of all study participants returned to Victorian venues to gamble on EGMs in the most recent 12 months examined in the study
  • 83.2 per cent of problem gamblers (as defined by the Problem Gambling Severity Index) reported returning to venues.

The effects of EGM venue closures:

  • more than half (51.2 per cent) of the study participants reported that the effects of EGM venue closures had been positive
  • around one in five (20.7 per cent) reported negative effects from venue closures.


Hare, S and Robinson, N (2023) 2024, Experiences of venue-based EGM gamblers during COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions: Did they return to venues to gamble or substitute alternate activities?, Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.


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