Access the full listing of Victorian government funded gambling related research. For each report we provide a short summary of the research aims and findings, how to cite the report and a link to download a PDF. These are accessible via the linked report titles below.
Gambling environments, products and characteristics
- Study of gambling and health in Victoria: findings from the Victorian Prevalence Study 2014, Sarah Hare, November 2015
- Identifying effective policy interventions to prevent gambling-related harm, Livingstone, C, et al, June 2019
- Victorian population gambling and health study 2018–2019, Rockloff, M, et al, May 2020
- What is the impact of cashless gaming on gambling behaviour and harm?, Hare, S, December 2021
- Lucky for some: bingo in Victoria, Maltzahn, K, et al, July 2021
- Gambling and video games: are esports betting and skin gambling associated with greater gambling involvement and harm?, Greer, N, et al, July 2021
- Electronic gaming machine environment study – Wave 2 summary, Duffy, L, May 2024
- Experiences of venue-based EGM gamblers during COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions: Did they return to venues to gamble or substitute alternate activities?, Hare, S and Robinson, N, May 2024
- Victorian population gambling and health study 2023, Suomi et al, Sept 2024
Gambling exposure and marketing
- Effects of wagering marketing on vulnerable adults, Hing, N, et al, August 2018
- Extent of, and children and young people’s exposure to, gambling advertising in sport and non-sport TV, O’Brien, K & Iqbal, M, October 2019
- Gambling advertising and promotions before, during and after the initial COVID-19 lockdown and sports shutdown in Australia, Russell, A et al, July 2021
- The receptivity of young people to gambling marketing strategies on social media platforms, Pitt et al, April 2023
- Catalyst or circuit-breaker? A prospective study to assess COVID-19’s effects on relationships between gambling availability, gambling and harmful gambling, and social, psychological and financial wellbeing, Hing, N, et al, June 2024
Gambling harm impact on community and specific cohorts
- The social cost of gambling in Victoria, Browne, M, et al, November 2017
- The prevalence and correlates of gambling in secondary school students in Victoria, Australia, 2017, Freund, M, et al, October 2019
- Gambling harm experienced by children of parents who gamble, Suomi, A., et al, October 2022
Gambling harm understanding and prevention
- The stigma of problem gambling: Causes, characteristics and consequences, Hing, N, et al, September 2015
- Assessing gambling-related harm in Victoria: a public health perspective, Browne, M, et al, April 2016
- The development of empirically derived Australian responsible gambling limits, Dowling, N et al, August 2018
- The Gambling Harms Scales: Instruments to assess impact to gamblers and affected others that are benchmarked to health utility, Browne, M, et al, May 2023
Gambling harm treatment, support and recovery
- Problem gambling in people seeking treatment for mental illness, Lubman, D, et al, July 2017