Dowling, N, Youssef, G, Greenwood, C, Merkouris, S, Suomi, A, Room, R,
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation - August 2018


The project sought to identify a set of empirically based responsible gambling limits.

The identification and validation of responsible gambling limits were achieved through the secondary data analysis of several existing state or territory datasets (Tasmania and ACT). Two primary data collection studies were also conducted to canvas Australian expert opinion and Victorian public opinion about the promotion of responsible gambling limits.

Guidelines are suggested for gambling expenditure, gambling expenditure as a percentage of income, gambling frequency, and number of gambling activities. Guidelines are also offered for different gambling products.


Dowling, N, Youssef, G, Greenwood, C, Merkouris, S, Suomi, A, Room, R, 2018, The development of empirically derived Australian responsible gambling limits, Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Melbourne.


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